
  1. Speakman Shower Head
  2. Speakman Anystream

A Home for the Living Arts. There's much to see here. So, take your time, look around, and learn all there is to know about us. SpeakMe: Multitaskers will love this easy-to-use software. All you need to do is enter or copy and paste your desired text, and it will instantly convert what you’ve pasted into audio. A Home for the Living Arts. There's much to see here. So, take your time, look around, and learn all there is to know about us. SpeakME, Empoli. 164 likes 1 talking about this. SpeakME app official page - pagina ufficiale dell'applicazione SpeakME.

Neurodiversity is a relatively new term, thought to have been coined in the 1990s by Judy Singer (an autism activist). It was originally used by the autistic community, who were keen to move away from the medical model and dispel the belief that autism is something to be treated and cured rather than an important and valuable part of human diversity.


The idea of neurodiversity has now been embraced by many other groups including dyslexia support groups , who are using the term as a means of empowerment and to promote the positive qualities possessed by those with a neurological difference. It encourages people to view neurological differences such as dyslexia, autism and dyspraxia as natural and normal variations of the human genome. Furthermore, it encourages them to reject the culturally entrenched negativity which has typically surrounded those that live, learn and view the world differently.
Most people are neurotypical, meaning that the brain functions and processes information in the way society expects. However, it is estimated that around 1 in 7 people (more than 15% of people in the UK) are neurodivergent, meaning that the brain functions, learns and processes information differently.


The term neurodiversity usually refers to range of specific learning differences including:

  • Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
  • Developmental Co-ordination Disorder (DCD) also referred to as Dyspraxia
  • Developmental Language Disorder (DLD)
  • Epilepsy
  • Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder
  • Intellectual Disability
  • Tourettes and Tic disorders
  • Specific Learning Disorder/ Differences e.g Dyslexia, Dyscalculia.

Select here to download Dyslexia Scotland's information leaflet on Neurodiversity

Health professionals, industry and commerce are increasingly using the term neurodiversity and this approach supports the child centred education system in Scotland which also highlights the co-occurrences between specific learning differences. Research has highlighted that the child or adult who has only one area of difficulty is rare, for example work by Kaplan et al 1998.

The National Institute of Economic and Social Research highlighted this point in a study conducted for ACAS in 2016 (the UK Advisory, Conciliation and Arbitration Service), which explained that there is a

“Propensity for neurodivergent individuals to be stereotyped according to the more well-known characteristics of their condition.”

The report stressed that not all individuals with autism are highly numerate, nor will everyone with dyslexia have insurmountable difficulties around functional literacy.


Further information: neurodiversity

To find out more about the concept of neurodiversity, further information is available in the Professional Development section of the Toolkit.

Technically, you can’t. You can’t install an operating system on another operating system without a virtual machine of some kind. Legally, you can’t as you would be breaking Apple’s EULA. MacOS should not be installed on a non-Apple machine. Steps to Install macOS Big Sur on VirtualBox on Windows. Install VirtualBox on Windows PC; Install/Update VirtualBox Extension; Create a New Virtual Machine & Customize it; Run VirtualBox Code to the Command Prompt; Start the Virtual Machine; Perform Clean Installation of macOS Big Sur; Summary; Important Note. Install macos on virtual machine windows 10. 2.1 Create MacOS Virtual Machine In Virtualbox. Open virtualbox, click New button to create a new. Download macOS Catalina ISO. You’ve to download macOS Catalina ISO from the link provided. Install Oracle VM VirtualBox on Windows. First and foremost, pull up the VirtualBox setup.

SpeakMe is a free Android application that allows users to select specific applications to receive sound notifications. In other words, you can let you phone read notifications for selected applications, according to precise instructions. SpeakMe is quite a useful app like Dragon Mobile Assistant and provides a minimalist interface with handy options like “Shake To Silence”.

Speakman Shower Head

Using SpeakMe is quite easy and you can even mark the minimum number of seconds that must pass (between a specific notification) before you get the next alert. For example, you might add a timeframe after which the app can alert you regarding Twitter tweets (from a Twitter app) to keep yourself updated about tweets from your contacts.

Overview Of SpeakMe Features

SpeakMe can be particularly useful when you are unable to directly use your phone (e.g. during driving) but would like receive relevant alerts from some apps. The application starts off with a handy tutorials which guides you through the various options. You might require installing text to Speech libraries to use this app. These libraries can be downloaded from the link given at the startup guide that is displayed when the app runs for the first time.

Speakman Anystream

Enabling SpeakMe


To use SpeakMe, you will have to enable the accessibility settings from your Android device. The option to enable these settings is displayed when the user guide ends at first run. It is worth mentioning here that the accessibility service may be able to collect all textual data that you type, including personal data, credit card numbers and passwords.

Application Options

You can begin selecting apps for voice notifications, download speech library and access application settings by launching the app and hitting Settings from your Android device.

Shake To Silence

SpeakMe also comes with a Shake To Silence feature that can be used to trigger the app. This feature can be accessed from Settings option from the main menu. From here you can enable/disable the app, disable the instructions pop-up, limit the notification to only say the name of the app and select an audio stream for the notification (e.g. Tomato torrents. Music Stream, Notification/Phone Stream or Alarm Stream).

SpeakMe works with devices running Android version 2.1 or above.