Color Palette Converter

Generate color palette from image online. Palette is generated using dominant colors of image and there is an option to change the number of colors to be displayed in palette. Just drop image in tool, then click Get palette button to generate color palette. Download option is available to download the color palette in jpg or png format. Convert red color (255,0,0) to hex color code: R = 255 10 = FF 16. G = 0 10 = 00 16. B = 0 10 = 00 16. So the hex color code is: Hex = FF0000. Convert gold color (255,215,0) to hex color code: R = 255 10 = FF 16. G = 215 10 = D7 16. B = 0 10 = 00 16. So the hex color code is: Hex = FFD700.



Quick usage

To use the quick default configuration you need an element from where to draw the image and canvas element with the id pixelitcanvas. Then load the pixelit.js script and apply it on an image.

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Color palette converter download


You can pass some options when creating the instance (you can alter them later using the api methods).


You can chain all methods together, beware that the order they are applied can change the final result.

Applying first the color palette and then the greyscale can give a slightlity different image.

.draw() draw to canvas from image source and resizes if max height or max width is reached

.hideFromImg() hides the from image element, is applied on object creation

.setDrawFrom(elem) elem to get the image to pixelate

.setDrawTo(elem) canvas elem to draw the image

Color Palette Converter

.setFromImgSource(src) change the src from the image element Download java program command line parameters free.

.setpalette(arr) sets the color palette to use, takes an array of rgb colors: [[int,int,int]], int from 0 to 255

Color Palette Converter

.setMaxWidth(int) set canvas image maximum width, it can resize the output image, only used when .resizeImage() is applied

.setMaxHeight(int) set canvas image maximum height, it can resize the output image, max height overrides max width, only used when .resizeImage() is applied

.setScale(int) set pixelate scale [0..50]

.getpalette() returns array of current palette, can't be chained

Color Palette Converter

.convertGrayscale() converts image to greyscale, apply only after .draw is called

.convertpalette() converts image with the defined color palette, apply only after .draw is called

.resizeImage() resizes the output image if bigger than the defined max Height or max Width

Color Palette Converter Free

Ssush22: civil rights us history. .pixelate() draws a pixelated version of the from image to the to canvas, , apply only after .draw is called

Image Color Converter

.saveImage() saves/downloads current image