
SQRsoft Advanced Crossfading 1.7.9. This is useful for those who want more fine-grained control over cross-fading settings. The only downside is that it requires a bit more CPU power than the standard output plug-in, and is unstable on some systems. Audio quality can easily be enhanced, given the right set of computer software components. These can come in a variety of forms, such as player plugins. It’s also the case with SqrSoft.

Winamp Crossfade

  • b-j
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Winamp crossfade

Sqrsoft Advanced Crossfading Output Winamp


Sqrsoft Limiter Winamp

SqrSoft Advanced Crossfade Problem

Winamp Spotify Plugin

Hi All.
Just encoded an audio CD of Dylan Thomas' Under Milk Wood narrated by Richard Burton with --alt-preset 80.
Inadvertantly I started to listen to it with SqrSoft Advance Crossfading Output plugin in Winamp which , untill now I've rated pretty highly for crossfaded output.
Well this particular encode generates the most hideous ringing/clipping with the crossfading plugin as output.
It's gone when I use the standard wave out but I'm curious as to what would cause this? Is it connected to the 32khz samplerate used by --alt-preset 80 on this CD? I don't see 32khz listed in the 'open wave device as ' drop down in SqrSoft configuration options.
Also the first disc (of two) comes in compressed at 34.5 mb - just that bit too much for my mum to get the whole first disc on her Rio (600?). What would you guys suggest I do to get the mp3 below the magic 32mb without ruining Richard Burton's voice!!
EDIT: no modified alt-presets please, unless ratified by the man (Dibrom) himself!!