Wordpress Domain

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  5. Wordpress Domain

If you need to migrate your WordPress site or change the domain name or location of your WordPress installation it’s good to keep in mind how WordPress keeps track of itself via the WordPress Address and Site Address settings. Click here to learn more about WordPress Hosting. These settings can be adjusted directly in the WordPress admin dashboard from Settings General or you can make. Your domain name is a personalized address that's easy to remember and easy to share. Activate email forwarding or connect to G Suite to add a custom email address for your business or brand. Under the WordPress address (URL) and the Site address (URL) fields enter the domain that you wish your application to work with and save the changes. The same modification is valid if you want to add “www” to your domain. The domain of WordPress is the blog (abbreviation of 'weblog'). The software was originally developed for the creation and management of the 'internet diary.' The software makes it extremely easy to set up, manage and maintain blogs as well as complex websites with and without an online shop, thanks to suitable extensions. Multiple Domain allows you having more than one domain in a single WordPress installation. This plugin doesn’t support more than one theme or advanced customizations for each domain. It’s only intended to enable constant navigation under.


Important: This plugin has a new maintainer. So the plugin will now be active developed again, and it’s now part of goINPUT.

Multiple Domain allows you having more than one domain in a single WordPress installation. This plugin doesn’t support
more than one theme or advanced customizations for each domain. It’s only intended to enable constant navigation under
many domains. For a more complex setup, there is
WordPress Multisite (MU).

When there is more than one domain set in your host, all links and resources will point to the default domain. This is
the default WordPress behavior. With Multiple Domain installed and properly configured, it’ll update all link on the
fly. This way, the user navigation will be end-to-end under the same domain.

You can also set an optional base URL. If you want only a set of URL’s available under a given domain, you can use this

Wordpress Domain Hosting

Additionally, a language can be set for each domain. The language will be used to add <link> tags with hreflang
attribute to document head. This is for SEO purposes.


Follow the steps below to install the plugin:

  1. Upload the plugin files to the /wp-content/plugins/multiple-domain directory, or install the plugin through the
    WordPress plugins screen directly.
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ screen in WordPress.
  3. Use the Settings -> General screen to configure your additional domains.


How can I help the plugin development?

Feel free to open a pull request to address any of the
issues reported by the plugin users. In case you have questions
on how to fix or the best approach, start a discussion on the appropriate thread.


If you want to add a new feature, please open an issue
explaining the feature and how it would help the users before start writing your code.


If you find this plugin helpful, you can support the work involved buying me a coffee, beer or a Playstation 4 game.
You can send donations over PayPal to paypal@goinput.de.

Does this plugin set extra domains within my host?

No. You have to set additional domains, DNS, and everything else to use this plugin.

Can I have a different theme/content/plugins for each domain?

Nope. If you want a complex set up like this, you may be interested in WordPress Multisite. It’s delivered with every
WordPress installation since 3.0, you can find more info here: https://codex.wordpress.org/Create_A_Network.

There is a way to add domain based logic to my themes?

Absolutely. You can use the MULTIPLE_DOMAIN_DOMAIN and MULTIPLE_DOMAIN_ORIGINAL_DOMAIN constants to get the current
and original domains. Just notice that since the value of the first one is checked against plugin settings, it may not
reflect the actual domain in HTTP_HOST element from $_SERVER or user’s browser. They also may include the host port
when it’s different than 80 (default HTTP port) or 443 (default HTTPS port).

Notice: in prior versions these constants were wrongly prefixed with MULTPLE_ How do i sign a word document online. , missing the “I”. The old constants
are now deprecated. They still available for backcompat but will be removed in future releases.

Can I create a custom access restriction logic for each domain?

Wordpress Domain Dns

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Yes. You can use the multiple_domain_redirect action to do that. Please check
https://github.com/straube/multiple-domain/issues/2 for an example on how to do that.

Can I get the language associated with the current domain?

Yes. You can use the MULTIPLE_DOMAIN_DOMAIN_LANG constant to get the language associated with the current domain. Keep
in mind the value in this constant doesn’t necessarily reflect the actual user language or locale. This is just the
language set in the plugin config. Also notice the language may be null.

Notice: in prior versions these constants were wrongly prefixed with MULTPLE_, missing the “I”. The old constants
are now deprecated. They still available for backcompat but will be removed in future releases.

Can I show the current domain in the content of posts or pages?

Yes. There is a shortcode available for that. Just add [multiple_domain] to the post/page and it’ll be replaced by
the current domain when viewing the content. You can write things like “Welcome to [multiple_domain]!”, which would be
rendered as “Welcome to mydomain.com!”.

What domains should I add to the plugin setup?

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Any domain you’re site is served from must be added to the plugin configuration. Even www variations and the original
domain where your WordPress was installed in must be added. You’ll probably see some unexpected output when accessing
the site from a non-mapped domain.

Can I disable `hreflang` tags output even for the original domain?

Yes. You may notice that even if you don’t set a language for any domain, you still get a default hreflang tag in
your page head. To disable this behavior, follow the instructions from

I locked myself out, and what am I doing now?

Under certain circumstances, in the case of a wrong configuration, you may not be able to log in to the admin area
and your page will be redirected. In this case, there are two ways to solve this.

Wordpress Domain Free

  1. Delete the plugin directory wp-content/plugins/multiple-domain. You should be able to do that from the hosting
    panel, from an FTP client, or via SSH. The downside of this technique is that it won’t be possible to install the
    plugin again since the configuration will still be in the database.
  2. Remove the plugin configuration from the database using the following SQL query DELETE FROM {YOUR-PREFIX}_options
    WHERE option_name LIKE 'multiple-domain-%'
    ; (Remember to replace the prefix from your own table name). This can be
    done from the hosting panel when PHPMyAdmin is available or using a MySQL client.


Wordpress Domain

Many thanks to the people who created and maintained! Exactly the solution I needed for the current project!