Apache Httpd Source

The following page highlights some modules that the Apache HTTP ServerProject maintains that are not included in the core distribution. For adetailed listing of third-party modules, please seemodules.apache.org.

Does your CGI performance leave you wanting? Is mod_perl simply too mucheffort for just hosting your CGI scripts? Do you want to run PHPapplications outside of your web server processes? FastCGI is the solutionfor you!

mod_fcgid is an implementation of FastCGI for Apache HTTP Server 2.0 andlater which routes requests to FastCGI application processes which itmanages.

  • Source: modmbox trunk. ViewVC: modmbox. Mailing list: dev@httpd.apache.org. Modpop3ΒΆ Do you want to see how Apache httpd-2.0 can handle different protocols? Play with modpop3. This experimental code has not been released, but is available to you from the subversion development repository. Source: modpop3. ViewVC: modpop3.
  • It works only when the apache soure IP is as the firewall is open and it fails if i keep retrying (refreshing) as the apache httpd source IP changes to others like How can i enforce that the apache httpd https port 443 source IP is always when it connects to any remote host port?

Home page of The Apache Software Foundation. This page provides detailed information on the export control status of the Apache Software Foundation's products, as well as pointers to the open source code from which those products are built. ASF projects and PMCs should consult our guide to handling cryptography in order to comply with our export policies.

  • Website:http://httpd.apache.org/mod_fcgid/

  • Download: mod_fcgid currentrelease

  • Source code: mod_fcgid subversiontrunk

  • Mailing list:dev@httpd.apache.org

Apache httpd source code

When is Apache HTTP Server not an http: server? When it's serving the sameweb content, via an ftp: protocol request!

This code is currently released as a beta. Volunteers are especially soughtto test out the IPv6 functionality (EPRT and EPSV support).

  • Website:http://httpd.apache.org/mod_ftp/

  • Download: mod_ftp currentrelease

  • Source code: mod_ftp subversiontrunk

  • Mailing list:dev@httpd.apache.org

Sick of keeping your DNS records and Apache config IPs and CNAMEs in sync?Let Apache serve your DNS for you based on your httpd.conf! Try outmod_domain.

This experimental code has not been released, but is available to youfrom the subversion development repository.

  • Source: mod_domaintrunk

  • ViewVC:mod_domain

  • Mailing list:dev@httpd.apache.org

Do you want to set up mail archives with Apache HTTPd 2.x ? Try outmod_mbox.

This experimental code has not been released, but is available to youfrom the subversion development repository. It is currently in-use by theASF to provide our email archivesbrowser.

Apache Httpd Source
  • Source: mod_mboxtrunk

  • ViewVC: mod_mbox

  • Mailing list:dev@httpd.apache.org

Do you want to see how Apache httpd-2.0 can handle different protocols?Play with mod_pop3.

This experimental code has not been released, but is available to youfrom the subversion development repository.

  • Source:mod_pop3

  • ViewVC: mod_pop3

  • Mailing list:dev@httpd.apache.org

Instrument the Apache HTTP Server to the ARM4API

This experimental code has not been released, but is available to youfrom the subversion development repository.

This experimental code has not been released, but is available to youfrom the subversion development repository.


Serve SMTP on Apache with mod_smtpd.

  • Source:mod_smtpd

  • ViewVC:mod_smtpd

  • Mailing list:dev@httpd.apache.org

Apache Httpd Source

The sandbox is where unreleased code goes to play. Browse around for somegoodies that are not part of the normal Apache HTTP Server distribution,but may give you an idea about ways you can extend the server. Someone maybe actively working on these bits, but they may be completely unmaintained!

  • Source: Sandbox

  • ViewVC: Sandbox

Download Apache Httpd Server

The mod_aspdotnet module has been retired by the httpd project. Every ASFproject requires multiple developers, and this project did not have enoughdevelopers participating to remain under the ASF umbrella. Development hasbeen resumed by the original authors at its new home, the mod-aspdotnetSourceForge project. Notethere is NO further support or effort on this module from the httpdproject, refer all questions on to the SourceForge project's user anddevelopment lists.

Apache Httpd.conf Source Code

The Quetzalcoatl mod_python project has been retired to the attic. Notethere is NO further support or effort on this module from the httpdproject, see the attic information page below for further information. Youmay also wish to research mod_wsgi , another effort outside of the ASF.

  • Website: AtticPlaceholder