
Emoji Meaning

Paintbrush skills with Flowers is a fun coloring activity for children of all ages. We bring you a huge array of bright colors and brushes to use. A paintbrush is a brush used to apply paint or sometimes ink. A paintbrush is usually made by clamping the bristles to a handle with a ferrule. They are available in various sizes, shapes, and materials. Download hospital cultural diversity programs freebackuptype. Thicker ones are used for filling in, and thinner ones are used for details. A thin, artist's paintbrush, as used to paint a picture. Often depicted with reddish paint on its pointed bristles. Positioned at a 45° angle, its tip at the lower left. Commonly used for various content concerning the art of painting or fine art more generally.

A thin, artist's paintbrush, as used to paint a picture. Often depicted with reddish paint on its pointed bristles. Positioned at a 45° angle, its tip at the lower left. Toolbox for ms office.

Commonly used for various content concerning the art of painting or fine art more generally. Often paired with 🎨 Artist Palette.

Paintbrush Virtual cam obs. was approved as part of Unicode 7.0 in 2014under the name “Lower Left Paintbrush”and added to Emoji 1.0 in 2015.

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Also Known As

  • 🖌️ Brush

Paintbrush Drawing

Apple Name

🖌️ Paintbrush

Unicode Name

🖌️ Lower Left Paintbrush




  • :paintbrush:(Github, Emojipedia)
  • :lower_left_paintbrush:(Slack)

See also

Paintbrush Emoji



  • 🖌️ Paintbrush Emoji Proposal:L2/11-052


(v.) - To make a paintbrush motion with one's dick on a woman's vagina. A man does this when he is either put in a predicament in which he does not want to engage in sexual intercourse or he is simply out of condoms and wants to play it safe.
'She just dropped her pants and bent over. I didn't know what to do so I just paintbrushed her for a little bit.'
'I ran out of condoms, and I do not want any kids so i just paintbrushed her clit a bit.'
Get a Paintbrush mug for your mother-in-law Nathalie.
v. collectively or individually finding someone/something to blame for a problem, as opposed to brainstorming which connotes finding solutions to a problem
n. the act of finding someone/something to blame for a problem
(from a TV ad for HD television)
The committee commenced blamestorming over the situation rather than seeking solutions to the problem.
Get a blamestorming mug for your mama Yasemin.
To smack someone across the face with generous force, either backhand or forward.
He crossed the line and that broad paint brushed him 3 times in a row.
Get a Paint Brush mug for your barber Georges.
The term used to describe the action of brushing ones cock up and down against the outside of a womans vagina. Often used in conjuction with the 'Tip Game' in which the head of the cock is dipped slightly into the vagina. i.e. Brush, Brush, Dip in for more paint,Brush ,Brush.
Call mePablo Picasso because I'm here to Paint Brush
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halfway between the degridation of an open handed bitch slap and a full on punch. to slap someone with a semi closed fist where the hand is in the shape it would be if one were holding a paintbrush.
Stephine was talking mad shit at the party, so Caitlin walked up and gave that bitch a paintbrush in the mouf.
Get a paintbrush mug for your Facebook friend Yasemin.
The action of manhandling your own set of sweaty jewels, than proceeding to slide your hand across a friends face thus warming their face with slimy goodness..
johnny proceeded to bring his hands out of his pants, and paint brushjosh.
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I used a paint brush to paint my picture of a grain of sand.
Get a paint brush mug for your brother Trump.

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